BACK to the CITY~


 “ Hello my people, I am doing better and back! Walking around at night and cleaning my cyberpunk stuff for the next action"

~ [The Forge] ~  Xeria Outfit, HUDPACK (Rigged For: Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Ebody. Hudpack Features 24 Textures Over 12 Surfaces on 4 Individual Pieces of Clothing. All can be Worn SeperarelyACCESS

~  ZEROICHI ~ Area-Z Backdrop (Mod) No Lights Version  TP to ALPHA EVENT

~  The Factory ~ ADVANCED JOINT Fatpack Female Version (Also has Male version and hand/Mouth poses / + Mouth animations / Static or auto burning options) will release at Menselected Event on 3rd TP to MAINSTORE  /  TP to MENSELECTED

~ Izzie's ~ Cupid's Bow Fix Type B  TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~ Izzie's ~ Hand Freckles   TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~ Modulus ~ Alvaro Hair - Lelutka Size TP to MODULUS

:::SOLE::: SA ~ CK implant (Black)

Atrophia Kukulkan

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy Perky
