"In the end, you have to just pull the trigger. Trust the gun, trust the car, just go."


~  AVEC TOI ~  VESPER BLOUSE and CORSET/PANTY Leather Fatpack / Theres also Latex &  Fabric version (Rigged for Maitreya, MPetite, Legacy, LPerky, Reborn / Pack comes with Color HUD and Shininess HUD) TP to FAMESHEDX

~  AVEC TOI ~ Mio Digitalis Gloves LATEX Fatpack  (Rigged for Maitreya, MPetite, Legacy, LPerky, Reborn / Pack comes with Color HUD and Shininess HUD) TP to AVEC-TOI NEW MAINSTORE

~  Avec Toi ~ Kali & Kai Shoulder Holster TP to AVEC-TOI NEW MAINSTORE

~  AVEC TOI ~ Sinestra Boots LATEX Fatpack (Rigged for Maitreya, MPetite, Legacy, LPerky, Reborn / Pack comes with Color HUD and Shininess HUD) TP to AVEC-TOI NEW MAINSTORE



~  [inZoxi] - Box - Post-Contact Bulletholes - FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Animated bullet holes, super cool 4 types) TP to TOKYO ZERO

~  [A&Y]  ~  Neon Cyber Leg Boosters FullPack (Rigged for Legacy / pack comes with Color HUD / Possible to wear separated or together)  TP to A&Y MAINSTORE

~ K&S ~ No Way Out Backdrop No lights version (82 LI / MOD-Comes with Light version too) TP to K&S MAINSTORE

~  LF/LittleFish ~  KIRSTIN ( Rigged for all Lelutka Head Models / comes with custom HUD) TP to LF MAINSTORE

~ Izzie's - EvoX BLOODY LIPS A  FLF SALE! (BOM system tattoo layers for LeLutka Evo X mesh heads: bloody lips in 2 styles in 5 shades).  TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

tram J0630 hair

*HDM* Nilea - the kink add-on v2.6.0b

:::SOLE::: AAE Mk2 (Black) (L)

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy Perky
