"See, decide, attack, reverse..."

》Tokyo Zero is running!

~ GRIMA:  Kurenai Harajuku Outfit (Jacket, pant and boots, rigged only for Legacy, Mod) Possible to edit outfit with special HUD which you can get from the Grima store / Abyss made top transparent  TP to TOKYO ZERO

~ *zeroichi* ~ Brick Street Backdrop (Mod or Only Copy Versions) Ambient no light 122 LI  TP to Zeroichi Mainstore

~  .Shi Hair ~ Barak Unrigged resize TP to SHI

~  Izzie's ~  Body & Face Biker Dirt  Darker Version / BOM (Normal and Dark versions, Catwa, LAQ, Lelutka and Logo Omega Appliers TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~  AVEC TOI ~ The Aislinn Gloves LATEX Fatpack / (Rigged for Maitreya, MPetite, Legacy, LPerky, Reborn / Pack comes with Color HUD and Shininess HUD) TP to AVEC-TOI NEW MAINSTORE

~  SOLE::: SA - Trans Ring Mk.2

~  Jack Spoon.Nikita Cold Sore (4) / Base 1 evoX

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy
