“...a city that was to live by night after the wilderness had passed. A city that was to forge out of steel and neon its own peculiar wilderness.”

~ PRIMA ~ Femme Elite Body / Petite Version  JOIN GROUP for MORE

~ PRIMA ~ *PRIMA* Avant Monokini "flat nipple" (petite)  JOIN GROUP for MORE

~ Prima will be released on 1st of October at Fameshed and also at Kinky Event. You will get surprised!


~ EXILE ~ DEILA Hair (Rigged Mesh / 200 Colors with HUD / Style HUDTP to FIFTY

~ ANDORE ~  ears L.E.X * - FEMALE [L. EVO X / HUMAN - C (f)] 1 LS to group Members at Mainstpre (Group fee is 75 LS)  TP to ANDORE Mainstore

~ ANDORE ~ accessory and ears  ~ Snake Crystal (f\m) [L.E.X] (comes with Huge custom HUD / Hide Option) for Weekend SALE!  TP to ANDORE Mainstore

~  :~Shiny Stuffs~ Lelutka Heavenly Metal Vol. 1 Appliers

~  [theSkinnery] LolliLipStain (LeLutkaEVOX) ink  FLF Birthday Bash GIFT!

~  :::SOLE::: A-CON Plasma unit Legtech

~ :::SOLE::: GRPE - Riv guard (Black) Lara

~  :::SOLE::: SA - CK implant (Black)

.himawari. Strong Dragon Tattoo v.2 (wear)

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Prima Elite / Petite Version
