"Cuddle up. Rain always stops. It always stops. It always does."

~ /Vae Victis\ ~ "Daitengu" Tall Geta Shorter Version, Mod and comes with huge texture HUD  TP to TOKYO ZERO

~  CORAZ♥N ~ Tattoo SAGIMAI Medium Tone (Worn on upper body / BOM, Medium, Light and Dark tones  TP to CORAZON MAINSTORE

~  Naminoke ~ INARIKAGI & KITSUNE Set / Kitsune-no-kanzashi red R / *N*Inarikagi Anklet red L and R  TP to NAMINOKE

~  Tableau Vivant ~  leLutka EvoX Hairbase 14 / 008 (BOM / Comes with extra lights Layer / 10 tints available, layers are mod so you can manually adjust them as you need.  TP to TABLEAU VIVANT MAINSTORE

~  Luas Bondage Harness

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy
