"The night, beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree."


June 1 - 20, 2022

~  :::SOLE::: ~ SA - HGK Dreamer Fatpack BMACK EX Version Jaw and Visor (unrigged-Mod)   TP TO CYBER FAIR

~  [X] ~ XC-88 Shotgun / Fatpack (Comes with HUD)  TP TO CYBER FAIR

~  .UNA. Aureo Dress Black (rigged for Legacy, LPerky, Maitreya, MPetite, Reborn)  TP TO CYBER FAIR

~  .euphoric ~ Nova Eyes  Applier ~[LeLutka&BOM]Blogger Pack (Lelutka / BOM)  TP TO CYBER FAIR

~  THIS IS WRONG 101 shine+tattoo 3D - FATPACK DARK TONE 1 (BOM and Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Reborn Shine appliers)  TP TO CYBER FAIR

~  [inZoxi] - Night City Skybox 03 Modify / 2 styles  TP TO CYBER FAIR


~ Izzie's - LeL Evo X - 04 Anger Wrinkles 65% (in 6 tintable shades in 3 opacity levels (40%, 65% and 100%)  TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~ Izzie's - Izzie's - LeL Evo X - Mouth Corner Concealer 12 (in 21 tintable shades, white option comes in separate left and right version, so you can tint each side separately if needed)  TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE


~ :::SOLE::: SA - Collar U-Probe

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy Perky
