BACK to the CITY~


“A city becomes a world when one loves its inhabitants." 


~  DAPPA ~ ABADDON Tattoo Faded Version (Worn on Full Body / BOM, Catva and Omega, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Belleza Appliers / Fresh, Worn, Faded Versions)  TP to MANCAVE

~ [The Forge] ~ EMILY Outfit / For Maitreya, Legacy TP to THE FORGE MAINSTORE


FLF is running at Izzie's Mainstore!

~ Izzie's EAR BLUSH EvoX BOM, opacity levels in red (tintable), 5 opacity levels in white for tinting to any color, full and faded versions included  TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

FLF is running at BONBON!

~ Bonbon - NORI hair  TP to BONBON MAINSTORE

~ :::SOLE::: SA - Collar U-Probe

GRIMA: Cybertech Set

Photo Taken at Neo Kabuto City, Paradiso

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy
