"A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction.” 

I will show you a great detailed Cyborg Body named Calista by Matsimoto! Calista comes with a lot of options, shapes for Evo and EvoX heads, tattoo layers, skins, even eye colors! This package including Jacket, Pant and boots rigged for this body, Possible to wear Lelutka Evo/Evox heads. Try Demo at event place~

Tokyo ZERO Event Winter will run TODAY !

~  Misaki ~ CALISTA body + Evox Hairbase + Eyes Lelutka Evo/EvoX Version  TP to TOKYO ZERO

~ [SAC] ~ P90 SMG v1.00 FULL Box / Mag Pouch (Fully Animated weapon comes with many choices and animations) 

~ :::SOLE::: SA - Nucleus (MID)

~ :::SOLE::: STD-P LArm

Picture taken at Cocoon Cyberpunk Roleplay

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Misaki Calista Body with my own shape
