"Night was come, and her planets were risen: a safe, still night: too serene for the companionship of fear."

~ [The Forge] ~ Kiesha Bodice, HUDPACK ( Rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Hud includes 23 Textures Over 2 Surfaces and 3 Metal Colours / Mod ) TP to THE FORGE MAINSTORE

~ [The Forge] ~  Omni Boots, HUDPACK (Rigged for Legacy and Maitreya /Comes with great custom HUD / MOD) TP to THE FORGE MAINSTORE

~ CORAZ♥N ~ Tattoo KIYOHIME Color Medium Tone (Worn on full body / BOM, Medium, Light and Dark tones / Color and Black option) TP to CORAZON MAINSTORE

~  bonbon - kei hair (ombres) (Small/Large, Leaft and Right Options, comes with Main and Duo color HUD) TP to BONBON MAINSTORE

~ Izzie's BOM Layers (Front Crotch Nude Pasties) 9 ~ 25 Tones TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

:::SOLE::: SA - AK-Pauldron

:::SOLE::: GRPE - Headset

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy
