“She could hear the sound of metal on bridge evolves into a thunder.”


~ [The Forge] ~ Aftermath Outfit, HUDPACK / Top, Pants, Bra, Poncho, Apoc Bullet Belt and Boots (Rigged for Maitreya and Legacy)  TP to SALVAGE STATION

~ [The Forge] ~ Dogmeat's Welder Goggles

~  MoonPhase ~ Infected Apocalypic Arms Bloody Bandage Version  TP to SALVAGE STATION

~ Rubedo ~ salvage eyes EVOX Face Paint 01 (12 colors)   TP to SALVAGE STATION

Izzie’s is participating Black Friday Sale with 50% off on many selected items at the mainstore and on 3 brand new releases (Guyliner (Evo X BOM), First Snow Make-Up Set (Evo X BOM) and Anger Wrinkles & Bunny Lines (Evo X BOM & regular BOM)) at the mainstore and MP. The sale runs until December 2nd.

~ Izzie's BOM Anger Wrinkles 02 & Bunny Lines 01 (Evo X and regular BOM): in 6 tintable shades in 3 opacity levels (40%, 65% and 100%)  TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~  Tableau Vivant ~ Cotton Candy Hair (Non rigged Mesh, Resize / Each pack contains: 1 mesh non rigged hair / 1 HUD with 20 tint options. Fatpack contains 6 huds.) TP to TABLEAU VIVANT MAINSTORE 

~ HILTED ~ Mecha 3.0

~ [POUT!] ~ Frost Bitten Package, updated for EvoX (Worn on face and hand)

Picture taken at Maneskin, Winter Themed Sim

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy
