“Very useful machine that I bought recently.” 

Engine Room will open SOON! 

~ Event Date: September 20th – October 20th 

There are many great gifts for this round, come and grab yours in 2 days!

~ V/.VoluptasVirtualis  ~ Mellioh Jaws - {Shape.1} 1 (Unrigged face accessory comes with 3 different shape and Color HUD)
~ V/.VoluptasVirtualis  ~ Syllah Outfit Bodice and harness Bloody Version (Rigged for Maitreya, Mpetite, Legacy, LPerky and Color HUD) TP to ENGINE ROOM

~ KMH ~ Hair F175 Fatpack  Natural HUD TP to ENGINE ROOM

~ Dictatorshop Railworker's Lamp Trinkets - Pipework Lamp Single COPPER /  [Ds] Trinkets - Pipework Lamp Single COPPER / TP to ENGINE ROOM

~ LVL9 ~ Specimen Jars / Eyeball, Tongue and Ear TP to ENGINE ROOM

~ CCT ~ Switch On For Emotional Support (Box 3 prims) CLICK FOR MP LINK

~ Izzie's ~ Zombie (female version) Lelutka Classic / Abyss only wears Body 08 (BOM, Catwa, Genus, Belleza,Maitreya, Omega, Slink Appliers / dark/Med/Light Tones) TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~ Izzie's ~ Dimples 100% LeLutka Evo X (BOM / 100-65% options / L-R-Both) TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy
