》Kustom9 is running!

~ [The Forge] ~  Nera Bodysuit, HUDPACK Normal Version (Rigged for Legacy and Maitreya / Includes 29 Textures To Mix & Match Over 5 Surfaces Including Net Versions for Bra / MOD) TP to KUSTOM9


》Izzie’s is offering BOM SMILE LINES at Izzie’s mainstore for Fifty Linden Fridays. + FLF BDAY BASH EVENT GIFT EVOX EYEBROWS CUT!

~ Izzie's EYEBROW CUTS ~ BOM layers for Catwa HDPRO, Genus, LAQ, LeLutka Evo Classic and LeLutka Evo X   TP to FLF BDAY BASH

~ Izzie's SMILE LINES ~ BOM layers for Catwa HDPRO, Genus, LAQ, LeLutka Evo Classic and LeLutka Evo X   TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~ Izzie's Pink Eye (just eyes)   TP to IZZIEs MAINSTORE

~ !SIDIKA SAKA! ~ Anime Tattoo Faded Full BOM (Fresh and Faded options, Full or possible to wear separated)  TP to SIDIKA SAKA MAINSTORE


》Equal10 Event is running!

~ JEYS VIRTUAL ERA Fatpack Gacha (UNISEX / 5 commons + 3 rares  / 5 color options for weapons, very cool items motorbikes, cars! Unrigged, resize) TP to THE E10


NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Maitreya
