“...and everything burned in blue, everything a star.”

Cyber Fair by Access / Early Access is STILL RUNNING! 

Event Date: June 1 - 25, 2021

~ CREATiCA  ~ Anubis Halo FatPack Darkmetal (Comes with Color HUD /4 Different types) TP to CYBER FAIR

~ CREATiCA  ~ Electroshock Aura RX-1 - FatPack 2.0 (Comes with Color/Animation HUD ) TP to CYBER FAIR

~ .{PSYCHO:Byts}~ Hecatix Horns (Comes with Color HUDTP to CYBER FAIR

~  [-] NANAO ~ Mechanic Bra Normal TP to CYBER FAIR

~  P.D - Nova Set ~(Armlights, corsetlights, leglights, Arm and Leg Guards)  TP to CYBER FAIR

~  Tableau Vivant ~ Alizeh Add-on / Black (1 non rigged mesh hair (can be resized via hud); 1 rigged mesh hair (can't be repositioned or resized); 1 HUD with color picking for infinite variations.)  TP to TABLEAU VIVANT MAINSTORE

~  Tableau Vivant ~  leLutka EvoX Hairbase 06 / 007 (BOM / 10 tints available, layers are mod so you can manually adjust them as you need.) TP to TABLEAU VIVANT MAINSTORE

Prime Punk Event is running! 

~ Badwolf ~ DEMONeARRINGS for EvoX /  CLICK for GALLERY

~ :[P]:Petrichor ~ Yelinna Eyes ~ (Hud controlled mesh eyes/ shine, shadows, pupils, animations and bases. Total 80 colors / faded option.) TP to MERMAY PETRICHOR

~ Nefekalum Tattoos ~ The Garden EvoX ~ Worn on Eyes BOM + projectors) TP to TRES CHIC

NOTE: Please TRY DEMO before purchase.

Head ~ Lelutka Evolution X
~ Body ~ Legacy 
