“ - Who won is the person who has the key to the city.“ 

~ ENGINE ROOM EVENT is running!

March 20th - April 20th 2021

Theme: A Historically Inspired Fantasy and Science Fiction Expo

~ [WASD] The Rimfire Pistol (Comes with texture HUD, L/R versions + holsters) TP to ENGINE ROOM EVENT 

~ ERSCH ~ Babette Corset and Accessories -fatpack- Corset / Bodychain / Necklace / Pasties (Comes with texture HUD / Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, FreyaTP to ENGINE ROOM EVENT 

~  Tableau Vivant ~ Addons collection Gacha Set PIGTAIL LEFT and RIGHT / Browns HUD / ( Unrigged add-ons, 24 commons / 1 rare. Tints available: White, Blond, Brown, Red, Dark, Black. / comes with Hairbases works with Lelutka Evo BOM) TP to TABLEAU VIVANT MAINSTORE 

~  Tableau Vivant ~  Lelutka HB 09 / Dark Brown (Lelutka Evo BOM, comes with 6 different color tones) TP to TABLEAU VIVANT MAINSTORE 

~ Nefekalum Tattoos ~ Dryad ~ Worn on full body / arms (Unisex, 4 different Colors / Omega, Maitreya, Legacy, Slink Redux Appliers and BOM or Materials Only + projectors) TP to NEFEKALUM

HILTED ~ The Key Gacha (28 different Keys to collect) TP to G. GUILD

~  Shiny Stuffs ~ Lel Smokin BOM Set / Rad Blushes TP to SHINY STUFFS MAINSTORE

~ Head ~ Lelutka Evolution
~ Body ~ Legacy Perky

