“ - Walking through darkness with thoughts full of colors."

~ The Warehouse Sale : DECEMBER 18

~ NEFEKALUM TATTOOS Dragon Scale Cool Electric ~ Worn on Upper Body (Unisex, 3 different Colors / Omega, Maitreya, Legacy Appliers and BOM or Materials Only + projectors) TP to WHS Event

~ NEFEKALUM TATTOOS Nekhbet for Humpday Sale 01/06 will be 69 LS! ~ Worn on Face (Unisex, 4 different Colors / Omega, Lelutka, Catwa Appliers and BOM or Materials Only + projectors) TP to Nefekalum Mainstore

~ :[P]:Petrichor Astrid Black Eyes ~ (Hud controlled mesh eyes/ shine, shadows, pupils, animations and bases. Total 80 colors / faded option.)  TP to Petrichor/Plastik New Mainstore

~ Harajuku Event : DECEMBER 20

~ [ GRAVEYARD ]  Hakai No Ryusei (Animated Mesh Crystals, 3 different movement options via HUD / 7 ColorsTP to Harajuku Event

~ HILTED ~  Little Chamelon Pack (Wearable animesh cameleon / fingerpet, 3 colors) TP to HILTED MAINSTORE

~  Normandy ~ Zyodine Thong Legacy TP to Normandy Mainstore

~  cinphul ~ raptor [boots] [add me]

~ [ContraptioN]  Power Jammer Spine

~ Head ~ Lelutka Evolution Lake

~ Body ~ Legacy Perky
