“ - Too much space to dream,

Too little time to explore! And some of us are really alone...

Cosmos needs us to explore more into the vast,

Maybe that's why the space-time is slower than the earth."

Taken at Drune: Crossroads

~ Saturnalia Event : DECEMBER 17 ~ JAN 1

~ NEFEKALUM TATTOOS Saturn Oscilla Facepaint Fatpack + Eyes Silver ~ Worn on Face (Unisex, 5 different Colors / Omega, Catwa, Lelutka Appliers and BOM or Materials Only + projectors / Eyes are mesh or Lelutka, Omega Appliers and BOM) TP to Saturnalia

~ [] ~ Zero V2 ( Worn on arms / 3 Different Styles, Normal/Veins/Hand Bruises + BOM) TP to Deadboy Ink Mainstore

~  **CC**~ Heavenly Ranger Wearable Particle Effect Holo and Aura Purple (6 different colors / dancer hand attachments included) TP to COLE'S CORNER

~  Tableau Vivant ~ Summer Hairplay - Sundowner - B+W

~  SOLE ~ Armtech MK4 / SA - armor STC01 (FAT Pack) / SA - throat mic Choker Fat Pack / SA - Proof E-insert (White Black) 

~ SEKA's Cyberlita SET Hand

~ Head ~ Lelutka Evolution Lake

~ Body ~ Maitreya
