“ - We all have wounds She said and smiles; ...The worst battle you have to fight is between what you think and what you feel. Your brain versus heart.“ 

~ MAN CAVE EVENT, August 17 - September 11, 2020

~ VELOUR HOMME: Bullet Wounds Addon for Man Cave Event (Pack comes 2 Different versions + Face/Upper body/Lower body seperated and BOMTP to Mancave Event

~ SALON52 EVENT, 16 Aug - 08 Sept, 2020

~ ZIBSKA ~ Steph Eye-makeup for Salon 52 (Packs come with 12 colors, BOM and Omega + Lelutka Evo appliers) TP to Salon 52 Event

~ ZIBSKA ~ Steph Lips for Salon 52 (Packs come with 12 colors / 3 Fits, BOM and Omega + Lelutka Evo appliers) TP to Salon 52 Event

~ ZIBSKA ~ Steph Headpiece / Abyss only used shoulder orbits at picture (Includes headpiece in left and right sections, orbit and chest adornment with 20 colours for sections 1/2/3 via HUD) TP to Salon 52 Event

~ [The Forge]  Kiera Bodysuit Oil TP to The Forge Mainstore

Tableau Vivant ~ Summer hairplay

~ Violent Seduction ~ Erebus Pauldrons Black 

~ BellePoses ~ Happy Girl

~ Head ~ Lelutka Evolution
~ Body ~ Maitreya
