“ Cautious was helpful; paranoid was just another word for distracted. ” 

The Liaison Collaborative (03 - 26 July)
~ ZIBSKA ~ Trix Lips / worn 21 FitA (Pack comes with 21 colors/2 Fits,, Omega and BOM) TP to The Liaison Collaborative

~ ZIBSKA ~ Trix Eye Makeup / worn 14 (Pack comes with 15 colors/Omega and BOM) TP to The Liaison Collaborative

~ ZIBSKA ~ TrixHeadpiece / Orbits (Pack comes with 15 colors/Full Headpiece, Abyss used just orbits on this picture) TP to The Liaison Collaborative

~ :[P]:Petrichor/Plastik / LuneArrian Makeups Fatpack~ (Pack comes 23 Different awesome face paints with BOM and Omega)  TP to :[P]: MAINSTORE

Redeux Express (14 - 21 July)
~ Oshiro ~ Biohazard  (50% OFF / 100 L!) TP to OSHIRO MAINSTORE

 ~ :::SOLE::: SA ~  Nucleus/Headset VHA
 ~ Cyberfactory ~  Cybergirl 2046 (Dress and arm)
~ Head ~ Lelutka Evolution
~ Body ~ Maitreya
