“Fear never leaves you. It just adapts to you. And that’s the meaning of strengthening a warrior spirit from within, as you can’t fight all your battles with the same weapons. B.K.”

~ Tattoo NEFEKALUM TATTOOS ~ Abstraction // Metals Edition ~ Maze ~ Worn on chest and arms (Omega, Catwa, BOM Evolved Appliers and Materials Only+ Projectors) TP to Nefekalum Mainstore

~ ZIBSKA ~ Minori makeup (packs include 20 colours ~ BOM + Universal Layers) TP to NEO JAPAN EVENT

~ [EZ] Susanoo Katana -novo2.03 TP to he Forge Mainstore

~ [KoKoLoReS] Hair ~ River FATPACK (Edited) TP to Kokolores Mainstore

~ Luas&BJK ~ BJK Succubus Body Black Luas Mainstore

~ Head Catwa ~ Catya

~ Body ~ Maitreya
