“ - The warrior should be ready and concentrated during a war, She said; ... Because concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. "

~ ZIBSKA ~ Thetis makeup (packs include 16 colours with separate layers for brow, cheek and chin) / Kallidor Lips (22 colours) / Helios Headpiece Spikes Part for NEO JAPAN EVENT 28 March-19 April (Packs include Catwa, LAQ & Omega appliers and BOM) TP to NEO JAPAN EVENT

~ Tattoo NEFEKALUM TATTOOS ~ Tribu D'Art COMMON 08 Battlecry (Industrial) Gachaland Exclusive  for Gachaland Event 1st of April ~ Worn on chest (8 Commons and 2 Rares to collect and packages include Omega, Catwa, BOM Evolved Appliers and Materials Only + projectors) TP to GACHALAND EVENT

~ [The Forge] Plasmoid Katana / Kato Pauldrons Bronze / Kato Gloves Black Print / Kato Panty Black gacha TP to The Forge Mainstore

~ Kimono Luas ~ Oiran Red and Black Luas Mainstore

~ Head Catwa ~ Catya
~ Body ~ Maitreya 

NEO JAPAN EVENT 2020 (28 March - 19 April), will start tomorrow! 

For more information:
