“ - If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. ST "

~ ZIBSKA ~ Minori Makeup 19 (20 colours) / Kallidor Lips 21 (22 colours) for NEO JAPAN EVENT 28 March-19 April (Packs include Catwa, LAQ & Omega appliers and BOM) TP to NEO JAPAN EVENT

~ Salt and Pepper ~ Berry Wet Suit Black TP to S&P Mainstore

~ :::SOLE::: SA - armor STC01 (Black EX - Sticker) / Time Rifter Blue / GRPE Headset Blue / GRPE Riv Guard Blue TP to SOLE Mainstore

~ Sintiklia Hair Everly TP to Sintiklia Mainstore

~ Bauhaus Movement ~ Reiko Riffle Common 02 TP Bauhaus Movement Mainstor

~ Head Catwa ~ Catya
~ Body ~ Maitreya 

NEO JAPAN EVENT 2020 (28 March - 19 April)

For more information:
