
“ - A warrior knows hunger, not fear She said; ... At the past or now, in the future... A dead warrior is better than a living coward. ”

~ Tattoo Nefekalum Tattoos ~ Rorschach for Humpday Sale 03/11 Tomorrow! ~ Worn on chest, arms and face (Pack includes Inverse and Normal versions, Maitreya, Lelutka & Omega appliers and BOM) @Nefekalum Mainstore
~ Pose ~ Black Cats poses ~ Jian Fatpack Pose 4 for Tlalli The Fair Around The World 03/07- East Asia (Pack comes with sword with hud and mirror poses) @Tlalli The Fair Around The World
~ Cerberus Xing ~ War Fan @CX New Mainstore 
~ Normandy-Connector Bodysuit / Nexus Stockings @Normandy Mainstore
~ Head Catwa ~ Catya
~ Body ~ Maitreya
