” She knows that she must be careful in dangerous streets, She fights alone with barehands... She is not accepting herself as a leader, She is the whole army. ”

~ Nefekalum Tattoos Blue Note (Worn on chest) @Nefekalum Mainstore 
(Pack includes Omega appliers and BOM layers)
~ Pose ~ Black Cats poses ~ Muay Thai Set Fatpack Pose 5 @Black Cats Poses Mainstore
~ Izzie's ~ Insomnia Set
(Pack includes eyebags, dark eye circles, smeared mascara, frown lines and smeared lipstick in different styles on BOM layers) @Izzie's Mainstore
~ Axis ~ Adara Bodysuit Transparent 
~ Violent Seduction ~ Erebus Pauldrons Black 
~ Head Catwa ~ Catya
~ Body ~ Maitreya
